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Weekend Wrap Up

Well Mom went home yesterday...booooo. Don't want to get too far behind so here is a quick wrap up of our last couple days. Sunday: Church at Times Square Church-AMAzing. Music was so good, everybody was singing and clapping and now Mom wants to be a cool little old black lady. :)

After church we got tickets to see Mamma Mia which was just across the street but we had some time to kill before the show and there just happened to be a street fair that took up about 10 blocks of Broadway. They had food and clothes and toys and all kinds of stuff to look at. Not to mention the people watching. Oh the people. New York City is nothing if not a great place to just sit and look at people. So diverse, so normal, so weird.

After some walking, some Starbucks lemonade green tea and a street pretzel for my Mamma we took our seats in the cold, dark theater for Mamma Mia. Perfect for a hot NYC afternoon. The theater was gorgeous and we took lots of pics before the show started.

Mhmm no one has to wonder where I get it from any more. :)
Oh and by the way, the show was FANTASTIC!!!!! I forgot how much I love Abba songs. We laughed and sang and cried and danced. SO much fun!! I will definitely be seeing that one again and I know two chicas who will be going with me. So after more walking we decided on an early light dinner at a place called Barbounia. I had been there a few years ago and the food was excellent. I knew Mom would like it. We had Spicy Feta and Tuna Tartare and it did not disappoint.

Whew, another full day.


Unknown said…
I just love your blog, it is a great way to end to my day at the gym. The photo's make me feel like I am there, especially the theater where you saw Mamma Mia one of favorite movies.

Sounds like it is all working out for Michelle and I couldn't be happier for you. Miss you lots!!


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