Last week was so busy I never even posted my update. Good busy. I had a little scheduling snafu last week and thought I was to run 11 miles. i got online to check my yahoo group on Friday night about 9:30 and noticed that it said 12 miles. Wha? Is that a typo? I am not ready for 12 miles, I am ready for 11 miles. Nope, no typo. 12 it was. Anxiety skyrocketed. Mind you that is not even half the distance I am going to be required to run on October 18th, but my brain hasn't gotten there yet. SO I got up Saturday morning, lathered myself in sunscreen, filled my hydration belt and took a deep breath. It ended up being a really good run. New route which made for a nice distraction as I checked out my surroundings and I got a chance to run off and on with some new people from my team. Thankfully the weather was a lovely overcast gray which makes for a much cooler run. So this week I was all ready for a nice easy 10 miler. You know you are starting to get a little crazy when you hear yourself say "I only have to do 10 miles this week." Mhhmm I said it and I was excited about it. This week was a satellite run so we had 3 locations to pick from. I have run Yorba Linda already and I run Newport pretty regularly so I decided to go down to Mission Viejo. I also knew that it would get me some hill running which I in desperate need of for my marathon. See, I am crazy. No one is ever in desperate need of hill training. I have officially lost my mind.
We met at Coach Jennifer's house and she gave us our root. A long looping run that goes along a nice lake and the Olympiad Park. It was a 10 mile loop "but" she says, "I have a 12 mile option if you want to do it." Um no. At mile 4.5 we had the option of taking Melinda STRAIGHT up to Santa Marguerita Parkway. 1 mile up and 1 mile back and then finishing the loop. Thanks but no thanks, except that my running buddy Stephanie turns to me and says. " I didn't get to run 12 last week cause I was in Chicago so I am thinking about doing that." Really? Really? "Ok, let's see how we feel after all this hill stuff and I will let you know if I am game" Really? What was I thinking? Then Coach Jennifer pulls out a stack of pink foam tiaras. "Anyone want a crown?" Uh Yeah!! I felt better already. I even talked Stephanie into wearing one. SO off we went, pink tiaras firmly in place and 12 miles ahead of us. We took off up Oso to La Felipe and a mountain of hills. Constant grade for probably the first 3 miles. But you know what, it wasn't that bad. It wasn't fun by any means but it was doable and we were chatting and people were out walking their dogs and conquering their own hills and it was overcast and cool and the perfect start to a Saturday. I think we said hi to everyone we passed. The best part was I kept forgetting that I had a pink foam crown on my head. I was just so excited that people were actually responsive and pleasant when we said hello. About 10 paces past them I would remember the crown and think "oh yeah, I probably look like a total loon" EH whatever. I had fun. And that my friends is one of three goals for this race. We hit the turnoff for the "extra 2 miles" and since we were feeling pretty good we gave it a go and yes friends it was straight up. I kept reminding myself that I am running in San Francisco and it kept my feet moving. I did ask Steph at one point if I could change my re commitment to Long Beach. She yelled at me. I am going to blame it on the hill. :) Just kidding. I am going to do this thing dang it and no hill is going to stop me. The rest of the run was pretty uneventful and we arrived back at base camp to a lovely spread of fresh fruit, yogurt, almonds, muffins and a cold jacuzzi to sink our legs into. It was perfect. It was also really nice to hang out with some of my teammates and get to know them a little better.
On a technical note, I have eliminated one of my sports bras from the outfit considerations for race day. That's what training is all about right? Eating things, wearing things, drinking things each week to see if it is something you want to have with you/on you for 26.2 miles. Before my run I even said to myself, I kinda like this top. Not so much anymore. I got in the shower when I got home and as soon as the water hit my chest I felt a searing pain and I looked down to find two angry, red half moons right at sports bra level. CHAFING? How did that happen and how am I JUST now noticing it? Thankfully they calmed down and I now just have 2 minimal red stripes where some people would tattoo sparrows. I am so hip. So yeah, that sports bra has now been relegated to the shorter 5 mile runs and there will be body glide involved just to be safe. So kids, that's all I have for today. My legs are pretty sore but I did it and I did it 2 weeks in a row, so that makes me pretty happy. One day at a time. Will post pics of the tiara trotting as soon as Stephanie sends it to me. And don't think I am not seriously considering my actual tiara for this race. If nothing else for the crossing of the finish line photo op. Oh yeah.