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7 miles

OH man, I am done today. We were on schedule to run 7 this morning. I had my little power bar and grapefruit juice and headed out the door at 7:15 to meet the team. It was overcast and cool which was nice since it was going to be a long run. Coach Noah gave a short clinic on nutrition and fluids and off we went. We had a new route this morning which was a nice change of scenery. We headed up Yale and then about 2 miles up we turned onto a lovely trail that wound through parks and trees and houses. It was really nice. The sun actually peaked out about 20 minutes into the run and I realized I didn’t put on sunscreen before I left. Ooops. I must have been super sleepy cause I never forget sunscreen. I felt pretty good just a little tired. It has been a tough week with work being busy and trying to fit in all my runs and get good sleep.  I realized on more than one occasion how much of a music runner I am. I always knew this, as I almost always run with and ipod. But this week especially I took more notice of how even when I am tired and struggling to keep going, if I just get to a good song on my nano I can push through. I typically run to whatever tempo is playing in my ears and I have already started making mental notes for my marathon playlist. I am going to need about four and a half hours of music to get me through this. SO here is my list so no particular order.

Amazing-Josh Kelley

Wonderwall-Beach boys Megamix

I’ll be your angel

Breathe on Me-Jennifer Knapp


Love Song-Sara Bareilles

Sugar, we’re going down-Fall out boy

Fall to Pieces-Avril Lavigne

Bleed-Anna Nalick

Amazing-George Michael

Fell in love with a boy-Joss Stone

AS-George Michael and MJB

Karma-ALlicia Keys

Falling Down-Bebo Norman

In this Life-Delta Goodrem

DIvine Romance-Phil Wickham

FInding me-Vertical Horizon

One-U2 with MJB

Kingdon Come-Hillsong United

A Little More-Jennifer Knapp

Big Love-Fleetwood Mac

Free to Be Me-Francesca Battistelli

In Love with a Girl-Gavin Degraw

The Grave-Stickfigure

IN the Air Tonight-Nonpoint

On the Way Down-Ryan Cabrera

Rough Night in Jericho-Dreams so Real

Something to Be-Rob Thomas

Before He Cheats-Carrie Underwood

How Far We’ve Come-Mathcbox 20


Girl Next Door-Saving jane

When You Were Young-The Killers

Call me Crazy-Stickfigure

ANgeles-Josh Kelley

Wild Night-John Mellencamp

I am an Illusion-Rob Thomas

Almost Lover-A Fine Frenzy

Beautiful, Beautiful-Francesca Battistelli

The Chain-Fleetwood Mac

Circus-Britney Spears

Cornflake Girl-Tori Amos

I realized I have bee running to some of these for quite some time. Oldies but goodies. I guess that’s a pretty good start. Anybody have any suggestions?


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