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5 miles

I really meant to update this on Sunday but the last 4 days have just blown by me without so much as a chance to, well among other things update my blog. Let's leave it at that shall we. OK so Saturday was a 5 mile run in the training agenda. I was a tad worried because it seems like the mileage is jumping up a lot each week. It seems early to be doing such big jumps but what do I know, this is my first marathon after all. I decided to hop back a pace group since the 10 minute and under group left me in the dust last week. I figured I could start out a little slower and just feel out my legs. Thankfully it was overcast again this week so it was cool and comfortable to run. We ran the same route as last week they just added a little loop out around one of the area parks. I ended up pacing pretty closely with a girl named Gina (we introduced ourselves after the run) and it was great because we both had times where we could encourage one another through out the run. This is exactly why I joined TNT for this event. Well that and the helping people part. :) At 49:07 I tucked 5 miles into my back pocket and felt pretty good. I know I have a long way to go but I was pleasantly surprised how well that went. Afterward, we had a Physical Therapist who was doing a stretch an injury prevention clinic so we were all sprawled out on the grass with our legs all catty wampus. Must keep up with my stretching. I think that will be super important for me to stay healthy and happy during this training. The best part of the morning was the team breakfast at Coach Noah's house after our run. We all got to enjoy yummy homeade breakfast dishes, fresh fruit and good company, having a chance to chat with our fellow teammates and learn a little more about each other. It's going to be a good season. Check back soon for more updates. 

Oooh I almost forgot the shameless plug for my employer. Roxy has a new line of workout wear called Athletix that is now available. I ran in a pair of shorts and one of the tanks and I LOVe them. Super comfy and although I have not tested it, supposedly has stellar antimicrobial fabric so there will be no stinkies. Hmmm not sure I am going to test that for myself. :) Take a look


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