Best day of the whole trip. It started with our host David picking us up for a full day of revisiting places we used to go when we lived in Panama. Both of my parents have been telling me stories of the Mercado Pescado in Panama City. Dad used to go down to this Market on the weekends and pick up fresh fish. He told me stories of how he would take visitors with him but would take them through the meat market (think 1975 third world with no refrigeration and lots of carcasses) on the way to the fish market. Mom is a little sensitive to smell so it sounds like she would babysit and let dad do the shopping. While the fish does smell like the sea it's not the fishy smell you sometimes get when it's not just out of the water. Its briny and fresh and this stuff literally was swimming the night before and it was beautiful.
We walked around shooting and watching the fishermen taking the scales off the fish with speed and expertise. It was mesmerizing.
We had already had a sampling of the ceviche and I was hooked. I think I ate it every day and I cannot wait to make it this spring. I mean seriously with all these choices?!