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{You've come a long way, Baby}

I have been living in the Rabbit Hole for almost 2 years now. It has become my safe haven from the storm of this city. Don't get me wrong I love this city but it is nice to have a little sanctuary to retreat to when all the hustle and bustle starts to overwhelm. I love sitting at my window every morning to write and watch the parade of neighbors stroll by. I have come to "know" some of them, not personally but just by virtue of seeing them on a regular basis. But that will be another post. This is all about the Rabbit Hole. As I come up on the 2 year mark, I took a look back at where it all started. I remember walking into the apartment with my mom and my broker and falling immediately in love with this little space. I am so thankful we were able to pull off the painstaking process of actually getting the apartment. It has been such a great place to live. And there have been some changes. So here are the before and afters of the last two years. 

It was so bare and crisp and clean and white when I moved in and it has been a slow process of finding exactly the right pieces to fill the space. I was so hesitant to paint but once the Rents convinced me and we started on the job, I was thrilled with the results. I think it makes all the accent pieces as well as the amazing moldings really stand out.

I can't believe how much the kitchen has changed. It is so weird to see this original photo. 

That couch (which becomes a queen sized bed-GREAT purchase) has welcomed so many friends and family!

The fireplace is still a work in progress but I like where it is right now.

Thanks to my Rents I have storage, drawers, a closet and a fantastic apartment.

My home office

The most recent project was the horizontal stripes I added to the bedroom wall.





Unknown said…
I just love it!!! But I might be a little prejudiced!
michelle said…
Well you are definitely invested :)
Unknown said…
LOVE all that purple and those pretty vignettes!

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