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Run for your Life (or at least your sanity)

     It's been 10 year since I ran my first and only marathon. I was barely a year off a major foot surgery and hardly running at all but I thought it was a good idea to sign up with Team In Training and just go for it. I thought my best friend who was also my trainer at the time was going to kill me when I told her because she had had to listen to me whine and complain about my slow recovery and general mental drama over not being back to 100% for the last 10 months. Running is in my blood. It makes me sane. I do not do well when I am not capable of running. Being a slacker and choosing not to run is a whole other story but being physically unable to lace up and get out my head for awhile is torture for me (and probably most of the people around me). But all that to say I did it! I ran 26.2 miles in San Francisco in the fall of 2009 and it was amazing. An experience that completely changed me as a person. I was stronger than I'd ever been mentally and physically. I had set a challenging goal and not only completed it but actually had a really great time in the process.
    I've run a few half marathons in the years since then but admittedly a full takes up a very large chunk or your life when you're training. A half is much more manageable for me and the lifestyle I lead especially in the years I was dating my now husband long distance. But a few weeks ago I had an epiphany that I shared with my husband Scott. I believe I have 2 more marathons in me. One is Paris. That has always been on my Bucket List. I had signed up for it the year I found out I had to have surgery on my foot and ironically its was the Sunday before my surgery on Monday in 2008. Instead of sipping champagne after floating to the finish up the Champs-Elysees I was painting my toes for the last pedicure I would have for months and crying in my bubbles. Ok maybe not that dramatic but I was heartbroken and Paris had to be put back on the list for awhile. Since I am turning 50 this year I think next April in Paris will be the perfect way to celebrate my half centennial.
      The other marathon I have in me is New York. I don't have the speed for Boston nor do I want to upend my whole life in order to acquire the speed for Boston. Besides it's NY that has my heart. I remember watching Meb win the NY Marathon the year before I moved to the City, so inspired by that giant smile as he crossed the finish line in Central Park. My first year after moving here I made my way up to the Park on Marathon day, even though it was freezing and joined the crowds at the last half mile mark to cheer and scream for runners who were so close to their goal. I knew how good they felt (and how bad) and how exhilarating that last 3-4 minutes is!
     So last night, we are sitting in bed and Scott leans over to share a post on his instagram feed. The lottery for this years New York Marathon opened today and at 1:43 I threw my hat in the ring and then I took my butt over to Equinox and got on the treadmill. I've been running more regularly and I am ready to build a base until I find out if I get in. On the treadmill I got so excited and I realized that what makes my heart sing is a challenge and especially one that involves running.  I've been feeling stuck and this feels like the perfect way to push past my comfort zone and get out of my own way (and head). So here we go!  


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